Kay: I gotta tell you about my apartments.
[gotta 〇〇 => have got to 〇〇
tell => 言う、教える
(但し、 "gotta tell you" は「聞いて、聞いて、言うよ!」のような言い方です。)
about 〇〇 => 〇〇 について
tell you about 〇〇 => アナタに〇〇のことを教える
Hal: You're always telling us stuff.
[always => いつも
tell us => 我々に言う・教える
stuff => 物、雑件
Kay: No, this is really interesting.
[really => ホンマに
interesting => 面白い、不思議
Bee: That's what you said last time.
[last time => 先程
Non-chan: I'm still trying to figure out what was so interesting about that one.
[figure => 型 => 数字 => 計算する
figure out => 計算して納得する
one => ものの代名詞
that one => そのもの、それ
Kay: I've got pictures.
[ have got 〇〇 => 〇〇を待っている
Non-chan: Huh?
[ Huh? => は?えっ?
Hal: What's that?
Bee: It's a mailbox, right?
[mailbox => ポストボックス
Hal: Wait, you don't live on the eleventh floor.
[Wait. => 待て!・ちょっと待った。
you don't 〇〇 => キミは〇〇なんかしていないな
live => 住む、居住する
eleventh floor => 11階
Kay: That's not what I'm talking about. Look at the dial.
[That's not 〇〇 => (それは)〇〇じゃない
what I'm talking about => 俺が話している事
Look at 〇〇。 => 〇〇を見てよ。
dial => ダイアル
Non-chan: It's a combination lock. So, what?
[combination lock => ダイアル錠
So what? されじゃ(どうした?)
Kay: Look closely at the dial.
[closely => 近くに、気を貼って
look closely at 〇〇 => 〇〇をよく見てね
Bee: Yeah? I'm looking. What am I supposed to be seeing?
[Yeah? => ハイハイ
supposed to be 〇〇 => 〇〇なはず
see => 目にする、目にして理解する
=> 何を見ているはずですか?
Kay: Don't you see?
Non-chan: 'Fraid not. What are you on about?
[afraid 〇〇 => 恐らく〇〇
Afraid not. => 残念ながら、違う。
on about 〇〇 => 〇〇に気が掛かる
=> イヤ、なんや?なんだ?
Kay: It's in numeric base 12! A duodecimal combination lock.
[numeric base 〇〇 => (数字の)〇〇進法
duodecimal => 12進法
Hal: No kidding. Okay, I'll grant you that one. That is a little unusual.
[kid => 冗談を言う、ふざける
grant => 譲る、認める
a little 〇〇 => ちょっと〇〇
unusual => 普通じゃない
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