Some Daily English
for Home Stay
This is from July's PTA lesson: There are some more notes at that link you may want to look at.
これは7月の PTA レッスンを抜粋したものです: リンク先に、見たいと思われる注釈もあるかも知れません。
(previous -- 前)
Showing the house 家を案内するところ :
Art: Here we are!
It's your home for the week, mate.
- Here we are.
- (我々はここにいます。 => )到着しました。
- It's your home for the week, mate.
- きみ、この先の一週間、(きみの)お家です。(ご遠慮なく)
Nanami: It's big!
Is it just your family?
- It's big!
- 大きいだわ!
- Is it just your family?
- ご家族だけですか?
Alice: Just Art and me and our children.
Come on in.
- Just Art and me and our children.
- アートと私と子供らだけ。
- Come on in.
- お上がりください。いらしゃい。
Art: There's a dunny on the left here,
and the kitchen is right there through the living room.
- There's a dunny on the left here,
- おトイレはこの左に、
- and the kitchen is right there through the living room.
- 台所は居間を経てあそこ直ぐにある。
Alice: There's lots to eat.
Are you hungry, love?
- There's lots to eat.
- おいしいものたっぷりできています。
- Are you hungry, love?
- きみ、お腹すいていません?
Nanami: Can I put my bags away first?
- Can I put my bags away first?
- 荷物を先に片付けていいですか。
Art: Sure.
Your room is up the stairs with all the children's rooms.
- Your room is up the stairs with all the children's rooms.
- 子供部屋の皆と揃って、階段上がった2階のところです。
Nanami: Actually, I'd like to take a nap first.
- Actually, I'd like to take a nap first.
- 実は、(食べる)前にお昼寝さしていただきたいのです。
Alice: No worries.
You must be bushed.
- There are no worries.
- いいよ。
- You must be bushed.
- お疲れでしょう。
Breakfast 朝ご飯 :
Art: Honey, can you wake our homestay student up?
- Honey, can you wake our homestay student up?
- きみ、(我々の)留学生を起こしてくれる?
Alice: Okay.
Nanami, love, can you get up?
- Nanami, love, can you get up?
- ななみちゃん、起きられる?
Nanami: What?
What time is it?
- What time is it?
- 何時ですか?
Alice: It's time for breakfast.
- It's time for breakfast.
- 朝ご飯(の時間)ですよ。
Nanami: Oh!
I slept all night.
- I slept all night.
- (私は)一晩中寝ました。
Alice: All apples.
I'm sure you're famished.
- It's all apples. == It's all good.
- いいよ。
- I'm sure you're famished.
- きっと(あなたは)お腹が空いているはず。
Nanami: Sure am.
Smells good.
What is it?
- I sure am hungry.
- やっぱりお腹空いています。
- It smells good.
- いい香りがします。
- What is it?
- なんですか?
Alice: Bacon and eggs.
Come downstairs when you're ready.
- Come downstairs when you're ready.
- 用意ができたら、1階に降りておいで。
Nanami: Thank you.
Where can I brush my teeth?
- Where can I brush my teeth?
- どこで歯磨きしていいですか?
Alice: There's a dunny up here, too.
Just down the hall to the right.
- There is a dunny up here, too.
- こち(2階)にもバスルームあるわ。
- It's just down the hall to the right.
- 廊下に出て右にある。
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