
Romeo and Juliet Excerpt 2 -- at the Party = ロミオとジュリエット抜粋2〜パーティーに行って

[Intended to be presented by junior high or high-school level students of English as a foreign language. Continuing from here. Sans annotation here.]

Narrator: Capulet and Lady Capulet have arranged this party
  so that Juliet can meet Count Paris.
〔Lady 〜 => 〜婦人〕
〔arrange 〜 => (手配・準備する→)〜の計画を立てる〕
〔so that 〜 => 〜ができるように〕
 Capulet: Welcome, guests! Let everyone dance!
〔Let everyone 〜. => 皆様、〜しましょう。〕

Narrator: Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio arrive among the guests.
〔arrive => 到着する、着く〕
〔among 〜 => (〜の間に→)〜と一緒に〕

Romeo: Who is that girl standing with that man over there?
〔that 〜 => あの〜〕
〔A standing with B => B と一緒に立っている A 〕
〔over there => あそこに、向こうに〕

Servant: I don't know.

Romeo: She is so beautiful!
   Maybe I should try to meet her.
〔so => (それほど→)とても〕
〔maybe 〜 => もしかして〜〕
〔should 〜 => 〜したほうが良い〕
〔try to 〜 => 〜してみる〕

Tybalt: This guy sounds like a Montague!
  What's he doing here? 
  Servant, bring me my sword!
〔guy => 奴、人〕
〔sound like 〜 => 〜のように聞こえる、〜そうです〕
〔bring me 〜 => 〜を持って来い〕
〔sword => 剣〕

Capulet: What makes you so angry, nephew?
〔make A B => A を B にさせる〕
〔nephew => 甥(おい)〕

Tybalt: He insults us by coming to our party!
〔insult => 侮辱する〕
〔by 〜 => 〜によって〕

Capulet: Calm yourself. It's the Montague boy Romeo, isn't it?
〔calm => (静か→)抑える〕
〔yourself => 自分自身を〕
〔〜, isn't it? => 〜ではありませんか?〕

Tybalt: That bad boy Romeo, himself!
〔himself => (彼自身→)本人〕

Capulet: Well, he's behaving himself.
  Why spoil our party? Let him alone.
〔behave => (行儀良く)振る舞う〕
〔spoil => 汚す、台無しにする〕
〔let 〜 alone => 〜をそのままにしておく、〜に手を付けない〕

Tybalt: Uncle, why should we put up with it?
〔why should 〜 => 〜はどうして(あるべきですか?)〕

〔put up with 〜 => 〜を我慢する〕

Capulet: You'll cause a riot and get us all sent to jail. 
  Be a man and be patient!
〔cause => (原因となる→)起こす〕
〔riot => 騒動、暴動〕
〔get us (all) 〜 => 私達(皆)を〜にしてもらう(→〜させる)〕
〔send => 送る〕
〔jail => 獄、刑務所〕

Tybalt: It's hard to be angry and patient, but I'll be patient for now.
  They can have their fun, but I'll make them regret it.
〔hard to be 〜 => 〜し難い〕
〔patient => 忍耐強く〕
〔A and B => A と B 同時に〕
〔for now => 今には〕
〔have fun => 楽しむ、楽しくする〕
〔make 〜 => 〜させる〕
〔regret => 後悔する〕

Narrator: So Tybalt leaves, bearing his grudge,
  and Romeo goes to meet Juliet.
〔bear => 担う、負う〕
〔grudge => 恨み〕
〔bearing a grudge => 恨んで、恨みをもって〕

Romeo: It embarrasses me to offer my rough hand to one so beautiful as yourself.
〔embarrass 〜 => 〜を恥ずかしく思わせる〕
〔it embarrasses me to 〜 => 〜で恥ずかしい〕
〔offer => 差し出す〕
〔rough => 荒っぽい〕
〔one so beautiful as yourself => (あなたほど美しい人→)とても美しいあなた〕

Juliet: Your hand is not so rough that I mind our hands' meeting.
〔rough => ザラザラした〕
〔mind => 気にする、迷惑に思う〕
〔not so A that I mind B => B を気にするほど A ではない〕

Romeo: My lips would be very happy if they could meet your hand as well.
〔lips => 唇〕
〔A would be happy if B => B になったら、A は幸せになるであろう〕
〔「lips meet hand」とは、紳士が礼儀正しく女性に挨拶する風習です〕
〔〜 as well => 〜もあって〕

Juliet: I guess my hand wouldn't think it was a crime.
  You are quite a gentleman.
〔guess => (推測→)思う〕
〔A wouldn't think B => A は B と思わないでしょう。〕
〔crime => (犯罪→)不快な出来事〕
〔quite => とても〕

Nurse: Your mother wants to speak with you.
〔want to 〜 => (〜したい→)〜の要求がある〕

Narrator: So Juliet leaves.

Romeo: Who is her mother?

Nurse: Her mother is the lady of the house.
〔lady of the house => この家の婦人〕

Romeo: She is a Capulet! I've lost my heart to the enemy!
〔lose my heart => 心が奪われる、恋に落ちる〕
〔to the enemy => 敵に〕

Benvolio: Romeo, let's leave before anything bad happens.
〔let's 〜 => (「let us 〜」→私に〜させる→)〜しましょう〕
〔before 〜 => 〜の前に〕
〔anything => いずれのもの、何か〕
〔anything bad => 悪い何も〕
〔happen => 起こる〕

Romeo: Something bad has already happened!
〔already => もう既に〕
〔something bad => 悪い何か〕

Narrator: Romeo leaves ahead of Benvolio and Mercutio.
〔ahead of 〜 => 〜の前に〕

Juliet: Who was the boy that would not dance?
〔would not 〜 => 〜しようとしなかった〕

Nurse: I'll find out.
〔find out => 調べる〕

Juliet: I hope he's not married!
〔hope 〜 => 〜を希望する、〜だといいと思う〕
〔be married => 結婚している〕

Nurse: He is the Montague boy, Romeo.

Juliet: I wish I had known who he was before I met him.
  I think I'm in love with my enemy.
〔wish 〜 => 〜を望む、〜だといいと思う〕
〔wish I had known 〜 => 〜を知っておけばよかったのに〕
〔who 〜 is => 〜はだれであるか〕

Nurse: Watch what you say!
〔watch 〜 => 〜を気をつける〕
〔what you say => あなたが言うこと〕

[Continues, here.]

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