
Life Hack -- Need a Rack Stand [注釈付き-Annotated]

Life Hack -- Need a Rack Stand (Annotated)

 命の叩き台工夫 棚入り台の必要 (注釈付き)

By Joel Rees, March, April 2020, Amagasaki, Japan
ジョエルリース作 3月〜4月 日本尼崎市
Copyright 2020
著作権 2020年から主張

English only

Joe: Sweetheart, we've got a problem.
[Sweetheart: (甘い心)意中の方、愛しいアナタ]
[we've got 〇〇: "we have 〇〇" と同じ、〇〇は在る]

Chika: What problem?
[What problem do we have? などの省略]

Joe: With the modem and router from the new ISP. See?
[We have a problem with the modem ... の省略]
[with: で・による]
["〇〇 with △△ from □□" => □□からの△△に因る〇〇]
[ISP: インターネット設備の提供社]

Chika: Yeah, they'll be in the way when we're cooking. And get stepped on. And get splattered with grease and stuff.
[will be: なるでしょう]
[in the way: 道を防ぐ状態、邪魔]
[when we are 〇〇 => 〇〇の状態のとき、〇〇]
[cooking: 料理中]
[will get stepped on: 踏まれるでしょう]
[will get splattered: (液体などに)かかるでしょう]
[stuff: モノ]

Joe: That's what I'm thinking. The old router was pretty grungy from leaving it down there.
[what: (何物)こと]
[what I'm thinking: 私が考えていること]
[route: 道、道を指定する、道を作る、案内する]
[router: ルーター、情報を誘導する機器]
[pretty: きれいに、かなり、ある程度、何とかなど]
[grunge: 垢などの汚れもの]
[grungy: (埃や油などの垢が溜まっているような)薄汚い]
[〇〇 from △△ => △△によって〇〇]
[leave 〇〇 △△ => △△の位置・状態などに残す・置いておく]
[down there => 低い位置や低底の位置(のあそこ)(に)]

Chika: It was always in the way. But we can't afford a new set of shelves to put there, and you don't have time to design and build a custom set.
[always 〇〇: いつも〇〇]
[afford: 与える、もたらす、提供する]
[can afford 〇〇: 〇〇のための余裕や財産がある、予算が間に合う]
[set of shelves: 棚のまとめたもの、つまり、タンスや食器棚、本棚など]
[〇〇 to put there: そこに置くための〇〇]
[have time to 〇〇: 〇〇に時間(の余裕)が有る]
[design: 設計する、考える]
[design and build: 考えて作る]
[custom: 誂え、カスタム、注文の]

Joe: Yeah, I need to be making money instead of shelves. But they need to be close to the telephone outlet, and that's basically where it is.
[need to 〇〇: 〇〇する必要がある]
[make money: 偽造するよりも普通の使い方は、「法的に設ける」意味]
[〇〇 instead of △△: △△の替りに〇〇]
[need to be 〇〇: 〇〇になるべき、〇〇じゃないとだめ]
[be close: 近くに在る]
[close to 〇〇: 〇〇に近く]
[outlet: (出口)コンセント、出力口]
[basically: 基本的に、根本的に、実は、要するに]
[where: どこのところ]
[where it is: 存在の場所]

Chika: So? What do you suggest?
[What do you 〇〇? => 何を〇〇(するのです)か?]
[suggest: 提案する]

Joe: That cardboard box.
[cardboard: 段ボール]
["That cardboard box." => (省略として考えて)"Look at that cardboard box."とか]

Chika: Put them inside it? Won't they get too warm?
[Put 〇〇 inside △△. => △△の中に〇〇を入れる。]
[will get too 〇〇: 〇〇すぎなるでしょう、〇〇になりすぎるでしょう]

Joe: They would definitely get too warm.
[definitely: 確かに、きっと]

Chika: Of course.
[course: (行く)道]

Joe: When we moved here, I looked for a rack stand to go where that cardboard box is, but we couldn't find anything we could afford.
[move: 移動、引っ越しする]
[look for 〇〇: 〇〇を探す]
[rack: 棚、台]
[stand: 台]
[rack stand: 棚入り台]
[〇〇 to go △△: △△に置くための〇〇]
[find: 見つける、探し出す]
[anything: いずれもの物]

Chika: I remember.

Joe: I'm going to go to Tsukashin Mall to look again. Let me write down the measurements. Okay, it's 30 cm wide by 40 cm deep by 35 to 40 cm tall.
[be going to 〇〇: 〇〇に向けている、〇〇に心が向けている、〇〇するつもり]
[again: 繰り返して]
[let me 〇〇: 〇〇させる、〇〇するのを許す・良しとする]
[〇〇 by △△ by □□ => (幅、深み、高さを言う文法)]

Chika: Don't take too much time, Hon.
[take time: 時間がかかる、時間をかける]
[too much 〇〇: 〇〇の多すぎの]


Joe: Here's what I found, Honey, fifteen by thirty:
[here is 〇〇: 〇〇はここに在る、これやな]
[Honey: はちみつのように愛しい者、キミ]

Chika: No way. That's not big enough. It's tall enough, but it needs to be a little deeper and twice as wide.
[〇〇 enough: 十分に〇〇]
[a little 〇〇er: もうちょっと〇〇]
[twice as 〇〇: 〇〇の倍]

Joe: If we turn it the other way, it's just wide enough.
[turn: 回す]
[other way: 違う方向]
[just 〇〇 enough: 丁度十分に〇〇]

Chika: It'll fall over if the wind blows.
[fall over: 倒れる]
[blow: (風などが)噴く]

Joe: Hang on. I have enough parts to make another one.
[hang: 垂れる、掛かる]
[〇〇 on: 〇〇し続ける]
[parts: 部品]
[another: もう一つ]
[one: もの(の一つ)]
[have enough to 〇〇: 〇〇に十分ある]


Joe: So we can use two of them. See?
[use: 利用する]

Chika: That still looks unsteady. What'll happen in the next earthquake?
[unsteady: 不安定]
[what will happen: 何が起きる、どうなる]

Joe: Well, I actually bought two extra shelves. We can attach the two stands to each other with the shelves. Give me a minute or two.
[actually: 実際に]
[buy: 購入する]
[extra: あまりの]
[attach: 取り付ける、繋げる、組み合わせる] 
[each other: それぞれ他、お互い(に)]
[with 〇〇: 〇〇を使って]
[give: 譲る、与える]
[give (time): やるための時間を与える] 


Joe: Whaddaya think?
[Whaddaya => "What do you"]

Chika. That took ten minutes. But it does look more stable.
[look 〇〇: 〇〇に見える、〇〇そう]
[stable: 安定した、ガッシリした、しっかりした]

Joe: Now we can put the modem and the router on those trays, and they'll be out of the way, and have some protection. There we go:
[out of the way: 邪魔ならない位置、片付いた状態]
[have protection: 守られる]
[There we go.: それで良し。]

Chika: Something doesn't look right -- besides all the wires tangled up everywhere.
[right: 正確な、正確に]
[look right: 正確なのに見える、良さそう]
[besides 〇〇: 〇〇をおいて]
[tangle: 絡まる、絡める、絡む]
[tangled up: 絡まってしまった]
[everywhere: どこにでも]

Joe: You're right. I could use those connecting shelves to hold the power supplies and the power strip.
[connect: 繋ぐ、つながる、繋げる]
[connecting: 接続の、繋げるための]
[power supply: 電源、パワーサプライ(電源変換器)]
[power strip: 電源分割台、パワーストリップ、スプリッター]

Chika: Wouldn't that work better if you put the power supplies in the trays instead of on the shelves?
[would: (仮定分の)なったようになるでしょう(なるようになった)]
[work well: 上手く行く、上手くやる]

Joe: Yeah. That's true. And I think it would work better to have the shelves at the top, to stabilize that stack of drawers. Let's see how long it takes me to move them around.
[have 〇〇 at △△: 〇〇を△△のところに取り付ける(する)]
[stabilize: 安定させる]
[〇〇 to stabilize △△: △△を安定させるために〇〇]
[let's see: 見させて、やってみよ]
[how long: どれほど(の時間)]
[it takes 〇〇 to △△: 〇〇に△△を完了するに(it の参照対象のものによって)時間などがかかる]
[move 〇〇 around: 〇〇を回す・移動させる・入れ替えする]


Joe: Voila!

Chika: Took you half an hour. Since when do you speak French?
[since when 〇〇: 〇〇はいつから?]

Joe: It's English, too. Let's see how it stacks up.
[stack up: 積み重ねる、]
[it stacks up: その行方は]

Chika: Not bad. All the wires are nicely put away, and everything is off the floor. It needs some sort of shield on the side, I think.
[nicely: 望む通りに、決まり通りに、正確に]
[put away: よそへ置く、片付ける]
[be put away: 片付いてある ("Put" の完了形も "put" です。)]
[off the floor: 床から取り上げられている状態]
[some sort of: 何らかの]
[shield: 盾、守り壁]
[on the side: (傍らに)横に付いて]

Joe: Yeah, and it needs a flat piece of wood or cardboard between the shelves and the drawers, too. We can find something later. See how the power strip is down low, where we can reach it?
[flat: 平らな]
[piece: かけら、部品]
[between 〇〇 and △△: 〇〇と△△の間に]
[See 〇〇?: 〇〇(見て)わかる?]
[down low: 低い位置に]
[reach: (伸ばしたら)手が届く]

Chika: Why do we need to reach it?

Joe: You know how electronics are. Ever since I was chased out of the industry for trying to make sure products work, everything you buy has to be regularly reset and power cycled.
[you know: わかるやろ]
[how 〇〇 is: 〇〇の有様]
[ever since 〇〇: 〇〇以来]
[chase out of 〇〇: 〇〇から追い払われる]
[〇〇 for △△: △△のために〇〇]
[try to 〇〇: 〇〇のために努力する]
[make sure 〇〇: (〇〇を確認する、〇〇のように確信させる)確実に〇〇ようになるようにする]
[product(s): 製品]
[work: (正確に)機能する、(正しく)稼働する]
[everything 〇〇: 〇〇の全てのもの]
[regularly: 定期的に、基準的に]
[reset: 元の状態に戻す]
[power cycle (cycle the power): 電源入れ直す]

Chika: Hush up about the industry. You never fit in, anyway.
[hush: 沈黙(にする)]
[hush up]: お黙りなさい]
[fit: 合う、合わせる]
[fit in: 合う、溶け込む]
[anyway: いずれ(の道)も]

Joe: (Mutter, grumble.)
[mutter: ブツブツ言う]
[grumble: 文句言う]

Chika : And it's time for you to go find a paying job. We have bills to pay, you know, honey.
[go 〇〇: 行って〇〇(する)]
[paying job: 儲かる仕事]
[bill(s): 請求書]
[〇〇 to pay: 払うための〇〇、払わないとだめな〇〇]

Joe: True. Too true.

(Chika and Joe are two characters in an alternate reality novel I'm working on now, based loosely on me and my wife.)

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