[inspire => 鼓舞する、霊感与える
talk (chatter) => おしゃべり
talk show => トークショー
listen to => 聞く、耳を傾ける
ABC == Asahi (Radio) Broadcasting Corporation
MBS == Mainichi Broadcasting System
meh => (大したことのないときの発言)
blogpost => ブログ投稿]
Given the context, this conversation must take place via some video-chat or chat service, like Line, Discord, Zoom, etc.
[given 〇〇 => 〇〇を前提に(所与のものとすれば)
context => 文脈、文の周りの内容
conversation => 会話
take place => 起こる、生じる、行われる、開催される
via 〇〇 => 〇〇経由]
chat => (chatter) お喋り(会話)、 チャットvideo chat => 映像付きチャット
service => (提供、もてなし、奉仕、奉公)⇒ 提供社・事業社
Same conversation, without annotations, here.
Matsu: Were you listening to the radio this morning?
[this morning => 今朝]
Kay: All that talk about COVID-19 pandemic overshoot? Terrible. Horrible!
[all that =>その全部
about 〇〇 => 〇〇について(の)
pandemic => 大規模の疫病、広範囲の流行病
COVID-19 => 新型コロナウイルス感染症
overshoot => (度を越した)射外れ
terrible => 怖い、恐ろしい
horrible => ひどくぞっとするほど恐ろしい
Bee: Yeah. Scary. Things could go out of control and the contagion could overshoot our society's ability to control it!
[scary => 恐ろしい、おっかない
things => 物事、状況
could => (可能性を言う助動詞)
go 〇〇 => 状態、状況などが〇〇のようになりゆく
out of control => 収まらない状態
(コンマが無いことに注意!普通は "... out of control, and ...." となって、文が "and" の位置で二つに別けられる。)
contagion => 接触伝染、感染
overshoot => 単純に「度を越す」意味のつもり("exceed" の置き換えと考えれば良い。)
society => 社会
ability => 能力
control => 抑える
Hal: Ahem.
[ahem => (咳払いの音)]
Bee: What?
Kay: Are you going to complain about semantics again?
[going to 〇〇 => 〇〇するつもり
complain => 文句を言う、ブツブツ言う
semantics => (意味操作)意味論
again => また(英語は後置きに注意)
Bee: Yeah. You're always complaining about what people say. Well, how about you just try to understand what they mean?
[always => いつも
what 〇〇 => 〇〇(の)なになに
people => 人の複数、人々
say => 言う、発言する
what people say => (ここでは、三語の塊として)人が言うこと
well => さあ、あのね
how about 〇〇 => 〇〇はどうですか?
just 〇〇 => (〇〇だけに)
try to 〇〇 => 〇〇をやってみる
understand => 理解する
try to understand => 理解しようとする(ここでは、「理解してくれ」のような感じ)
they => 「彼ら」(ここでは「私ら」の置き換えかもわからない)
mean => 意味する
what they mean => 何を言おうとしているか
(通常文法は "How about trying to understand?" もしくは "How about if you just tried to understand?" などです。 "How about you just try to understand?" は命令文を取り入れた、強振った言い方です。)
Hal: I'm all for people trying to understand each other, but sometimes the words you choose to use don't help those who are trying to understand.
[for 〇〇 => 〇〇を目的にして、(ここでは、 "against" の反対姿勢に対して)〇〇主義
all for 〇〇 => 完全に〇〇主義
each => 各、各々
other => 他
each other => お互い(に)
sometimes => 時々、偶々、偶には、
choose => 選ぶ
the words (that) you choose => 選んだ言葉、使っている言葉(the words that you use)
("the words you choose to use" にすると「言葉の選び」に注目した言い方です。)
don't help => 助けにならない、邪魔になる
those => (「あそこら」よりも、「他の人」、つまり、「人」を一般化にしている)
who => 人が主語の場合の接続代名詞
those who are trying to understand => 理解しようとする人
Kay: So the virus overshoots our ability to control it. How can you misunderstand that?
[so 〇〇 => 〇〇を想定しろ。
How can you 〇〇? => 〇〇は(どうやって)できる?
misunderstand 〇〇 => 〇〇を勘違いする
How can you misunderstand? => どうして(なんで)勘違いするんだろう?
Hal: What does the word shoot mean?
[What does 〇〇 mean? => 〇〇はどういう意味ですか?
shoot => (何かを向かって)射る
Matsu: Like when you shoot an arrow or a gun?
[like 〇〇 => 〇〇のような
like when => たとえば
shoot an arrow => (何かを向かって)矢を射る
or =>もしくは、あるいは
shoot a gun => (何かを向かって)銃を撃つ
Hal: Right. Shoot implies a shooter. Who is shooting the virus at us?
[〇〇 implies △△。=> 〇〇は△△(の存在)を意味する、〇〇は△△を伴う
shooter => 射る人、撃つ人、打撃手
who => 誰
shoot 〇〇 at △△ => △△を目掛けて〇〇を撃つ(射る)
Bee: Now you're talking conspiracy theories again.
[talk 〇〇 => (talk about 〇〇) 〇〇のことを言い上げる
conspiracy => 共謀、陰謀、防蟻、企み
theory => 理論、論
Hal: Actually, I was talking about anthropomorphizing the virus.
[actually => 実は
anthropomorphize => 擬人化する、人格化する
Kay: Anthrotransmogrifying?
[anthro- => 人間(の性質を言い上げる接頭辞)
transmogrify => (魔法的に)姿を一変させる
Hal: Heh. Good one.
[good one => (「いいかも」の気持ちで「やられた」ことを認める)]
Bee: Don't you mean personification?
[Don't you mean 〇〇? => 〇〇のつもりではない?
personification => (具体的に)人格化、擬人化
Hal: Did somebody draw pictures of the virus as a person?
[pictures of 〇〇 as △△ => 〇〇を△△として描写する絵
Matsu: I think I saw that on the Internet yesterday somewhere.
[saw => see の過去形⇒見た
see 〇〇 on the Internet =>インターネットで〇〇を見る
yesterday => 昨日
somewhere => どこか
Hal: I wouldn't be surprised.
[I wouldn't be 〇〇 => 〇〇の気分にもならないでしょう。
surprise => びっくりさせる
be surprised => びっくりする
I wouldn't be surprised. => びっくりもしない。
Kay: But what you mean is prosopopoeia.
[what you mean => 言おうとするの(は)
prosopopoeia => 演奏上の擬人化
Hal: Only if someone is trying to speak for the virus.
[only if 〇〇 => 〇〇の場合のみ
someone => ある人、だれか
speak => 語る
speak for 〇〇 => 〇〇の代わりに語る、〇〇のために語る
Kay: Do viruses have rights?
[rights => 公民権、人権など
Hal: Arrggghh!
[arrggghh ("argh" など)=>(困ったときの発言)
Kay: I think it's a legitimate question.
[legitimate => (合法の⇒) 正当な、合理的な、妥当な
question => 課題
Hal: Overshoot. I am talking about overshoot, and I'm not going to let you guys derail me.
[be not going to 〇〇 => 〇〇に向きを変えるつもりはない
let 〇〇 △△ => 〇〇に△△することを許す
derail 〇〇 => 〇〇を線路から外させる、脱線させる
Bee: So the virus shoots over our protective walls.
[shoot over 〇〇 => 〇〇を越えて射る、または飛び出る
protective => 防御の
protective wall => 防壁
Hal: No. That's shooting over. Or even overshooting, gerund form of the verb. Overshoot as a noun does not mean over walls. I am talking about the noun, "overshoot". Overshoot as a noun means a shot that goes over the target, missing it, like in archery.
[even 〇〇 => 〇〇でも
gerund => 動名詞
form => 形
as 〇〇 => 〇〇として
noun => 名詞
over => 越えた位置を記す前置詞
("overshoot" は動詞の場合と名詞の場合は使い方が違うことを訴えている表現です。)
shot => 発泡、発射
go over => 越える、超える
target => 的、目的など
miss => (的を)外れる
like in 〇〇 => 〇〇(の場合)のように
archery => 弓術
Hal: And its opposite is undershoot, where the arrow doesn't even make it to the target.
[opposite => 反対(のもの)
undershoot => (下方を撃って)的を達しない
〇〇, where △△ => (△△を取り上げて〇〇を説明する表現)
make it to 〇〇 => 〇〇までに間に合う、または達する
Matsu: What about overshoot in engineering?
[what about 〇〇 => 〇〇はどうしますか、またはどうですか
〇〇 in △△ => 〇〇 as in △△
engineering => 工学
![]() |
Graphic by Joel Rees and Wikimedia Commons user Krishnavedala. |
Sine Integral function definition courtesy of Krishnavedala. |
Reuse permitted under Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 license. |
See https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sine_integral.svg. |
Hal: Excellent. Thank you! You pump sudden energy into the circuit, and the potential rises beyond the target, then you stop pumping the energy in and it undershoots, and then it rings like a bell.
[excellent => 素晴らしい、優秀な
pump 〇〇 into △△ => △△を〇〇に押し込む
sudden => 急な、突然な
energy => エネルギー、気力など
circuit => 回路
potential => 位置エネルギー(電圧差)
beyond => (過ぎた位置の前置詞)
ring => 響く
Bee: Rings?
Matsu: Oscillates. Goes back and forth.
[oscillate => 振動する、揺れ動く
back => 後方へ
forth => 前方へ
Kay: Is that an appropriate simile?
[appropriate => 適した、適切な
simile => 直喩表現
Hal: Actually, yeah.
Kay: So what are you trying to say?
Hal: Overshoot and undershoot are about our response.
[response => 応答、返答、反応、対応]
Bee: If the government doesn't send enough medicine, that's undershoot, right?
[government => 政府
send => 送る
enough => 十分な
medicine => 薬、遅漏のための応援物質
Hal: Very good. Undershoot is the people dying from the under-responsive government's lack of action.
[dying => die(死ぬ)の進行形
under-responsive => 反応が遅い、対応が不十分な
lack => 不足、欠乏、欠如
action => 活動、行動
Bee: So what is overshoot? The bigger response, the better, right?
[the bigger 〇〇 the better => 〇〇が大きいほど良い
Matsu: Well, if the government tells everyone, even those providing essential services, to stay home, that would be overshoot, especially if you could be shot and killed without question for being outside your house.
[if 〇〇 => もし〇〇、たとえ〇〇
tell everyone => 皆に知らせる、皆に指示する
even 〇〇 => 〇〇でさえ
provide => 提供する
essential => 欠くことのできない、必須、極めて重要な
services => 供給、応用事業
〇〇, △△, □□ => (△△が□□に照らして〇〇を説明する役です。括弧のような文です。)
stay home => 家に居残る
especially if 〇〇 => 〇〇の場合は特に
could be shot and killed => 銃で打たれ殺戮されるのが可能
without question => 何も問われない内に、文句を言わさざる
for being outside => 外出中のため
Kay: I'd call that overkill.
[I'd => I would
call 〇〇 △△ => 〇〇を△△という
overkill => 過剰殺戮(力)、引き締めすぎ、過剰な対応
Hal: That kind of response is overkill. The result of people dying from other causes because there's no hospitals to go to would be overshoot.
[result => 結果
other causes => 他の要因
〇〇 because △△ => △△のために〇〇
hospital to go to => 診察・入院できる病院
would be 〇〇 => 〇〇になるでしょう
Bee: But it doesn't happen. No government is going to do that.
[happen => 起こる、生じる
doesn't happen => あり得ない
no 〇〇 => 〇〇が無いこと
no 〇〇 is going to △△ => △△する〇〇は無いでしょう
Matsu: I understand that, in Europe, things are almost that bad. I heard that police shot someone for being outside his house the other day.
[I understand that 〇〇 => 〇〇だと言う風に理解している。
almost 〇〇 => ほぼ〇〇
that bad => それほど悪い、それほどまずい
I heard that 〇〇 => 〇〇があったように聞いている
the other day => 先日
Hal: And what happens is like, in Italy, people can't figure out what to do to stay alive. So they rationalize a way around the orders and go visit relatives.
[what happens is like 〇〇 =>できてしまう事情は〇〇のようなのです。
in Italy => イタリアでは
figure out => (算出する)考え出す
can't figure out 〇〇 => 〇〇が考えても理解できない
what to do to 〇〇 => 〇〇のためにやること
stay alive => 命を守る
so => したげって
rationalize 〇〇 => 〇〇に理由をつける、正当化する、合理化する
way around ○○ => 〇〇の回り道、回避
orders => 指示、命令
visit => 訪れる
relatives => 親戚
Kay: Relatives? Why relatives?
Bee: Relatives are like family, so it's like staying home, isn't it?
[relatives are like family => 親戚は家族のようなものです。
Matsu: What the radio said is that people don't have to leave home to visit cousins in Italy.
[what 〇〇 said is △△ => 〇〇で聞いているのは△△
leave => 去る
don't have to leave home to 〇〇 => 〇〇には家を出ずに済む
cousin => 従兄弟
Bee: How?
[how => やり方
How? => どうやって?
Matsu: Lots of homes connected to each other through the garden in the back courtyard or something.
[lot => 大きい塊
lots => 仰山、沢山
(There are) lots of 〇〇 => 〇〇は沢山ある
connect => つながる、接続する
connected (形容詞役) => 繋がっている
through 〇〇 => 〇〇を通して
garden => 庭
courtyard => 中庭
back courtyard => 裏庭
〇〇 or something => 〇〇など
Hal: So they run out of sugar or flour and go across the back way to their cousin's, stay for news and gossip and a drink or two, and maybe somebody puts on music, and then all the cousins come out and dance because everyone is under stress.
[run out of 〇〇 => (〇〇を流し用で尽くす)〇〇がなくなる
sugar => 砂糖
flour => 粉⇒小麦粉
go across 〇〇 => 〇〇を渡る、〇〇を渡って行く
back way => 裏道
cousin's (house) => 従兄弟の家
stay for 〇〇 => 〇〇のために居残る
news and gossip => 情報や噂話
drink => 飲み物⇒飲食(お茶でも、酒でも)
maybe 〇〇 => もしかして〇〇も(ある・する)
put on => かける、つける
music => 音楽
put on music => 音楽をかける
all the 〇〇 => まるまるの皆
come out and 〇〇 => 出て来て〇〇(する)
dance => 踊る
because => だって
under stress => ストレスにかかっている
Bee: Sounds fun. ... Wait. That's a lot of exposure.
[sounds fun => 楽しそう、良さそう
Wait. => 待て。
exposure => (身を)さらすこと、露出
Hal: Exactly. Overshoot.
[exact => 正確な
exactly => 正に、ちょうど(そのとおり)
Kay: Well, so it rings, right?
[so => それでは
ring => (響く、振動する)結果が大きくなったり小さくなったりする
〇〇, right? => 〇〇、ね?
Hal: Ringing requires some active counter-response to push the return to undershoot. No counter-response and the system goes into runaway overshoot, which is hard to recover from.
[ringing => 振動
require 〇〇 => 〇〇を必要とする
active => 動的な、意図した
counter-response => 反対に働く反応、応答、対処
push => 押す
the 〇〇 =>その〇〇(〇〇が名詞になる)
the return => その(跡の)戻る方向に進む傾向
no 〇〇 and △△ => 〇〇がなければ△△
system => 体型、システム、機関、社会(の体型)
runaway => 止めどもなく進む、戻ることのない、暴走した
〇〇 which is △△ => △△である〇〇
hard to 〇〇 => 〇〇が難しい
recover => 回復する、取り戻す
recover from 〇〇 => 〇〇から立ち直る
Hal: And, remember, undershoot also results in deaths, just like under-response.
[remember => 覚えておき
result in 〇〇 => 〇〇の結果を生み出す
death => 死、死去
deaths => 死者(の数)
just like 〇〇 => ちょうど〇〇と同じ
Kay: No government is going to be that crazy, though, right?
[crazy => 狂った
be crazy => 狂う
〇〇, though => だけど〇〇でしょう。
Matsu: Japan has been that crazy before. So has Germany.
[before => 以前に(ここは副詞位置です。)
so has 〇〇 => 〇〇も同様
Hal: Most governments get a little out of control at times. The question is how soon enough people recover their senses quick enough, and whether enough can recover their senses at the same time.
[most => 殆どの
get 〇〇 => (〇〇の状態を得る)〇〇の状態になる
at times => 時々、偶には
the question is 〇〇 => その疑問すべきことは〇〇です。
how soon => どれほど早く、どれほど速やかに
recover (人の) senses => 意識を戻す、われに帰る、正常な考え方に戻る
quick enough => 十分に早い、間に合うほど早い
whether 〇〇 => 〇〇か(どうか)
at the same time => 同時に
Bee: So, what you're saying is that over-responsiveness produces overshoot, and under-responsiveness produces undershoot, and both can produce pandemic overshoot.
[what (○人) is/are saying is △△ => ○人が言おうとしているのが△△です
over-responsiveness => 過剰な対応・応答
produce => 生む、生み出す
under-responsiveness => 不十分な応答・対応
both => 双方
Hal: I'd call it runaway pandemic, not pandemic overshoot, but, yeah.
Bee: You could have said so ten minutes ago, and we could have been talking about something more interesting by now.
[you could have 〇〇 => 〇〇しても良かった(のに)
say so => そう言う
you could have said so => そう言えばよかった(じゃない?)
〇〇 minutes ago => 〇〇分(今から)前に
we could have been 〇〇 => 〇〇になったかも
by now => もう(今になっては)
Matsu: So let's talk about something more interesting.
[let's (let us) 〇〇 => ○○しよう]
Kay: I've been working on a version of Conway's Game of Life that includes social distancing rules.
[work on 〇〇 => 〇〇に手を付ける
version => (バージョン)⇒(改定)版、(翻訳)版などの「版」や「型」
Conway => John Horton Conway 1937~2020, mathematician
Game of Life => computer simulation that mimics simple living organism
include 〇〇 => 〇〇を含める
social distancing => 社交上の距離を保つ行動
rules => ルール、決まり
Hal: Okay, what specific rules are different from the usual rules?
[specific =>特定の
different => 異なった、違う
be different from => 〇〇から異なる
usual => 通常の
Bee: We're still talking about the pandemic!
[still 〇〇 => まだ〇〇]
Matsu: Okay, Kay, tell me more about that old novel you've been reading. What was it?
[tell me => 教えてください
more => もっと
novel => 小説
○○ (that) △人 have/has been □□ing => △人が(最近)□□やっている〇〇
What was it? => 何でしたか。
Kay: Which one?
[Which one (is it)? => どちら? (説明がほしい意味)]
Matsu: The one about a virus-like micro-organism that eats plastic.
[virus-like => ウイルスのような
micro-organism => 微生物
〇〇 that eats plastic => ビニールやポリエチレン製のものを食いつぶす〇〇
Kay: Oh. The Andromeda Strain.
Bee: I've read that. Hey. Talk about overshoot ...
[Talk about 〇〇 => 〇〇と言えば]