[Without annotations:
注釈なし : http://joels-random-eikaiwa.blogspot.jp/2016/02/for-next-lesson-hotel-reservation-by.html
Beth: Fritz Hotel, front desk.
My name is Beth, how may we help you?
[front desk => ホテルの受付・フロント
(クラスの資料に "Maria" と書いていて、すみませんでした。)
How may we help you? => ご用は何なのですか?
("help" とは「役立てる」と考えて良いと思います。)
Tom: I'd like to make a reservation for two on the 27th, 28th, and 29th.
[reservation => 予約
make a reservation => 予約する
for two => 二人に、二人分
27th など => 27日など
Beth: Separate beds or double bed?
[separate => 別々、個別
(twin beds => 2台の個別のベッド)
double bed => 2人用のベッド (サイズとしてはおよそ 140 cm × 195 cm)
Tom: Double bed, please.
It's our honeymoon.
[honey => はちみつ、愛しい人
honeymoon => 愛しい者の月、新婚旅行
Beth: We have a honeymoon suite available those nights.
[suite => 一揃い (部屋なら、寝室、居間、浴室の揃い)
honeymoon suite => 新婚者用の部屋(に因んで、高級スイートルーム)
(bridal suite も、花嫁からひいて、同様)
available => 利用可、予約可
Tom: Just a minute.
Michiko, can we afford a honeymoon suite?
[afford => 負う、与える、 (経済などに) 余裕があって間に合う
Michiko: How much is it?
[how much => 幾ら、どれほど (数えにくい場合)
Tom: How much would the honeymoon suite be?
[would ... be => (「仮に」という気持ちを示して、「になる」)
(would ... be if we chose it?)
Beth: It's a premium twin suite
with a view of the beach from the balcony
and a double bath,
with free wifi and air conditioning,
and breakfast served to your room included,
for forty thousand yen a night.
[premium => 最高級
view => (景色の) 眺め
double bath => 二人入りほど広い浴槽・風呂場
free => タダで
free 〇〇 => 〇〇付き
wifi => ワイファイの無線接続
(正式に "Wi-Fi" (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi)。
"Hi-fi" に因んだのに、"wireless fidelity" の意味ではないとする。)
air conditioning => エアコン (による気温調整)
breakfast served => (部屋での) 朝ごはんの給餌
(breakfast served in your room)
〇〇 included => 〇〇付き
40,000 a night => 一泊当り4万
(per night)
Tom: 40,000 a night, that's, uhm, 120,000 yen.
[ouch => 痛い! (イテッ!) の発言
Michiko: We can't afford that.
Do they have something at ten thousand a night?
[something at 〇〇 => 〇〇の値段でのもの
Tom: That's way out of our league.
What's your cheapest room for two?
[way => はるかに
out of our league => 私達の範囲外
cheapest => 一番安い
Beth: It's a really great room, lots of privacy,
lots of access to the beach and the city.
[really great => 本当に素晴らしい
lots of => 結構の、山ほどの
privacy => 私事、隠退、人目から守れる環境
lots of privacy => 人目からよく守れる
access => 出入り
lots of access to 〇〇 => 〇〇への出入りの良い
Tom: We can't afford it.
Beth: We can give you a deal,
half price for that weekend.
[deal => 取り扱い、配り、やり取り
(good deal)
We can give you a deal. => おまけできます。
half price => 半額
for that weekend => その週末に (その日付に)
Tom: That's still sixty thousand yen for three nights.
[that's still => それでも
Michiko: Oh. Well, if we scrimp a bit, ...
[scrimp => 節約する
a bit => 少し、ある程度
(a little bit, a little)
Beth: Well, our cheapest rooms are not really appropriate for newlyweds.
They are right on the beach, so they'll be rather noisy.
We only have twin beds, no double or queen-sized beds.
Air conditioning, wifi, and meals come extra.
[appropriate => 適している
newly => 新しく
wed => 結婚する
newlyweds => 新婚者
not appropriate for 〇〇 => 〇〇に適していない
right => 直 (に)
right on 〇〇 => 〇〇に直接、直ぐに、接している、接近して
beach => 海岸、砂浜、浜辺、水際
rather => (むしろ) まあまあ、かなり
noisy => 騒がしい、騒々しい
meals => 食事
extra => 余分
come extra => 別途になる
Tom: How much?
Beth: Fifteen thousand a night.
Tom: Fifteen thousand a night,
that's forty-five thousand for the three nights.
Does it have a view of the beach?
Beth: Some do, some don't.
Mostly, surfers rent the rooms.
[some => 幾つか、幾らか
Some do, some don't. => ものによって有る、ものによってない。
mostly => ほとんど、大概は
Tom: In the surfer section, Mich,
right on the beach.
Basic, no frills.
[section => 区域
Mich => Michiko の愛称
basic => 基本的
frill => (服などの) 細かい飾り、虚飾、不用のもの
Michiko: Surf city! Sounds good.
How many more hotels should we check?
[〇〇 city => 〇〇沢山、〇〇でまり上がるところ
sounds good => 良さそう
how many => 幾つ、どれほど (数えやすい場合)
more => もっと、これ以上
check => 見る (診る)
Tom: Thank you. Your name was Beth, right?
[right? => ね?
Beth: That's right.
Tom: My name's Tom.
I'd like to check a few more hotels.
Can we call back on this?
[I would like to 〇〇。 => 〇〇にしたい。
("want to" よりちょっと丁寧な言い方)
few => 幾らか
call back => 連絡し直す、折り返し連絡する
Beth: Oh, sure, Tom.
Tom: Thank you. Goodbye.
Beth Thank you, and hope to talk with you later. Goodbye.
[(I) hope to 〇〇。 => 〇〇を待ちしております。
later => また、あとに
[Some time later.]
Beth: Hello. Fritz Hotel.
Why put on the Ritz when you can go on the Fritz?
[Ritz Hotel => 伝説の高級ホテル「リッツホテル」
put on the Ritz => リッツホテルに行く服装を着る
on the fritz => 故障している (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/on_the_fritz)
go on the fritz = 故障する、潰れていく
Why △△ when you can 〇〇? =>
Tom: I take it you are bored?
[take it (that) 〇〇 => 〇〇としてとらえる、〇〇と解釈する
bore => 穴をあける、退屈させる
be bored => 退屈する、暇になっている
I take it you are bored? => お暇ですか?
Beth: No. I've actually been rather busy.
[actually => 実際に (実は)
Tom: This is Tom again.
Beth: Oh, yes. You wanted our honeymoon suit, after all, right?
[after all => 結局は
Tom: No, we we're talking about a surfer twin room.
Beth: Oh, that's right. Cheapskate.
Just joking.
[cheapskate => ケチンボ
just => ただ単に
joke => 冗談を言う、ふざける
Tom: That's okay. Is there a room still available?
Beth: Well, actually, no.
Since you called, we had a surfing tour book all those rooms.
[since => から
since you called => (この文では) ご連絡の後
book => 本に書き留める
book ... rooms => (この文では) 部屋を予約する
Tom: Oh, dear.
[ => あらま! (のような感じ)
("Oh, dear God." に因んで、ですが、
Beth: But my manager says we can give you the same price
for the honeymoon suite, but without the meals.
[say 〇〇 => 〇〇という
give 〇〇 the same price => 〇〇に同じ価格を指定する
without 〇〇 => 〇〇無しに
Tom: She says the surfer rooms are all booked,
but she can give us the honeymoon suite without meals
for fifteen thousand a night.
[ここの "give" は、解釈によれば、
Michiko: Oh, that's disappointing.
We'll have to drag our boards down the stairs.
[drag => 引きづる
boards => surfboards
down => 下へ、降りた方向
down the stairs => 階段を降りて
Tom: Fifteen thousand?
Beth: Yes.
Tom: What floor?
Beth: Do you want a lower floor?
[ここで、 honeymoon suite から普通な部屋に話が展開している。
Tom: The lower the better, I think.
Beth: Second floor, with an ordinary bath okay?
[ベスさんは "ordinary bath" を指摘して
honeymoon suite ではないことを半分暗黙に示しています。
Tom: Second floor, ordinary bath. Is that okay, honey?
Michiko: Sure.
Tom: We'll take it.
[take => 「受け取る」意味をもって、決まったことを示します。
Beth: Okay, I'll need your full name and credit information.
[この対話では、「on the fritz」の表現は冗談に唱えていますが、
"doesn't work" とか "not working" を覚えると楽かも知れません。
「聞き逃す」意味の "In one ear and out the other."